
What is seborrhea?

Seborrhea is a health problem expressed as a skin disease that can affect the scalp and lead to excessive oil production, but it can also occur in other areas of the body where there are many sebum-producing glands. Sebum is the natural oil that is produced by the skin glands and is needed to lubricate the skin and hair, preventing them from drying out too much.

In seborrhea, the skin glands produce too much sebum, which causes increased oiliness of the skin. This can lead to oily, red and scaly patches, hypersensitivity of the scalp, overproduction of sebum, irritation and inflammation of the skin. Symptoms of seborrhea include dry, scaly skin or oily skin that is sensitive to touch.

Seborrhea is common in people with oily skin and it is thought that genetics, stress, hormonal changes and skin damage may contribute to its occurrence. Treatment of seborrhea involves the use of special shampoos and skin and hair care products that contain ingredients that control the production of sebum by the glands. Dermatologists may also suggest other medications and procedures with antibiotics, steroid creams, or laser therapy that are tailored to the treatment of more severe cases of seborrhea.

Here are some tips for seborrhea scalp care:

  1. Choosing the right shampoo: Choose a shampoo that is specially formulated for seborrhoeic scalps. These shampoos contain special ingredients that will help reduce oil production and improve scalp health. Avoid using shampoos with harsh chemicals such as sulfates.
  2. Wash your hair regularly: Wash your hair at least twice a week to remove excess oil and dirt that prevents sebum from being released in time from the glands where it accumulates. Do not use too hot water to avoid further drying of the scalp, which also stimulates overproduction of sebum.
  3. Do not use hot tools to style your hair: Hot tools such as curling irons, curling irons, too hot hair dryer jets can contribute to an increase in oil production that can damage the scalp.
  4. Avoid wearing hats: Hats can contribute to the retention of fats (by limiting the access of fresh air and oxygen to the scalp – “ventilation”) and lead to an exacerbation of the symptoms of seborrhea.
  5. Seek advice from a dermatologist: If the symptoms of seborrhea persist, seek advice from a dermatologist. He will be able to recommend special medications or therapies that will help improve scalp health.

Taking care of a seborrhea scalp is especially important to prevent further health complications and to maintain healthy skin and hair.

What products and ingredients are suitable for a scalp with seborrhea?

For a scalp with seborrhea, it is important to choose products that contain ingredients that help reduce oil production and that prevent inflammatory processes in the scalp. These are some of the ingredients and products that are suitable for a seborrhea scalp:

  1. Salicylic acid – this acid has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and can help remove excess oil and skin cells from the scalp.
  2. Piroctone olamine – this ingredient is known for its antibacterial properties and can help control skin microbes that can contribute to seborrhea.
  3. Clotrimazole – this is another ingredient that has antibacterial properties and can help keep the scalp healthy.
  4. Zinc Shampoos – Zinc is an important mineral that can help control the skin’s oil production and improve scalp health. Shampoos with zinc can be found in pharmacies and beauty shops.
  5. Shampoos with selenium – Selenium is another important mineral that can help control oil production in the skin and improve scalp health.
  6. Essential oil shampoos – some essential oils, such as tea tree, peppermint, and lavender, may have antibacterial properties and help tame seborrhea.

It is always important to consult a dermatologist or stylist to help you choose the products best for your skin and hair.

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