This depends on several factors, such as hair type, scalp condition and personal preference. On average, most people wash their hair every 2-3 days. However, some people with very dry hair can wash it only once a week, and others with very oily hair – every day. It is recommended that you listen to your hair and scalp and wash them as often as necessary to keep them clean and healthy.

If you live in a city with a dirty environment, you may need to wash your hair more often to remove accumulated pollutants and dirt. It is recommended to wash your hair every 1-2 days to keep it clean and healthy. You may also consider using a cleansing shampoo or rinsing with apple cider vinegar every now and then to remove any build-up from your scalp and hair. As always, it’s important to listen to your hair and adjust your washing routine if necessary.

But if you live in a clean and healthy environment, you may wash your hair less often than someone who lives in a dirty environment. On average, most people wash their hair every 2-3 days to keep it healthy. However, this washing frequency may vary depending on hair type, scalp condition and personal preference. Some people with dry hair may only need to wash once a week, while others with oily hair may need to wash it every day. It’s important to listen to your hair and change your washing routine according to your needs to keep your hair healthy.

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