Hair dye with oxidant and corrector
Mixing hair dye with oxidant and corrector

Mixing Hair Dye with Oxidant

Each company producing hair dyes has its own specific ratio for mixing the two main components: hair dye + oxidant.


  • one part (1) hair dye is diluted with one part and a half (1/5) oxidant (60 ml. hair dye + 90 ml. oxidant).
  • one part (1) hair dye is diluted with one part (1) oxidant (60 ml. hair dye + 60 ml. oxidant).

Tip: when you start working with a certain brand of paint, read the instructions carefully, and if there is none, ask about the specifics when working with the product.

Mixing highly bleaching hair dyes with oxidant

Mixing: 1 part hair dye to 2 parts oxidant, or per 60 ml. hair dye is added 120 ml. oxidant.

Exception: some highly lightening dyes are mixed, 1 part hair dye with 1 part oxidant, but at the expense of this the dwell time (for example, instead of 35 min., is 45 min.) of the dye on the hair.

Color Correctors

They are used in addition to standard hair dye to highlight, correct, complement color or shade, when matting strands to remove unwanted shades, or to add desired ones.

Adding color corrector to hair dye has one important rule:

The darker the chosen hair dye color, the more concealer you add. Conversely, the lighter the chosen hair dye color, the less you add.

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